There Are Miracles
Yael Eckstein | February 23, 2022
Even in a world full of conflict and strife, there are miracles. I know — because I was privileged to witness one just days ago.
When a Fellowship Freedom Flight landed at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv last weekend, I was on the tarmac, along with other Fellowship staff, Israel’s minister of aliyah, and other dignitaries, to welcome it. It was a flight of olim (immigrants) from Ukraine.
They came to Israel seeking new life in their biblical homeland. There was a wide range of people – old and young, men and women, families. Each brings with them their talents and their commitment to living freely and proudly as Jews. Each individual makes Israel stronger and helps secure the Jewish future in our biblical homeland.
As festive music played and I greeted the olim as they got off the plane, I couldn’t help but think of how unlikely this all was. Who would have thought, in the middle of the last century, that the Jewish people would have their own sovereign country? Who would have thought that in our lifetime we would see the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy that promises that God will gather the exiles of Israel?
The only word I can think of to describe such events is “miraculous.”
God Is at Work
In our daily lives, we can easily get bogged down by our tasks and worries. But when we step aside and look at our lives from a greater perspective, we can see how God is at work, and how prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes each day. No matter what is going on in the world, there is nothing that will stop God’s plans — that is one thing we can count on.
My friends, I ask you to continue to pray for the people of Ukraine, as tensions remain high in the area, and the threat of war is very real. But let us also pause and give thanks to God that, in a world full of conflict and strife, there are miracles. I’m so grateful to God — and to you, my dear Fellowship friends who make our work of aliyah possible — that we all get to be witnesses.
With blessings from the Holy Land,

The Fellowship has been providing food, medicine, heat, basic needs, and aliyah to Jews in need in the former Soviet Union for over 30 years, and we’re prepared for any situation the hundreds of thousands of Jewish people in that region may face. Help support vulnerable Jews with your gift of love and comfort today.