‘Experiencing’ War

The Fellowship  |  May 2, 2018

Yael Eckstein standing with an IDF soldier

Over the past 24 hours, The Fellowship has been conducting an international emergency drill. The scenario was experiencing war in Israel on many fronts, and The Fellowship had to mobilize our 3,000 volunteers to bring food, water, diapers, and baby formula to over 20,000 Israelis in bomb shelters.

My conclusion after “experiencing” war over the past day?

I don’t want it. I’m terrified of it. I’m praying it won’t happen “for real.”

But if it does, God forbid, The Fellowship is ready. We’re able to effectively mobilize immediately and help the people of Israel on behalf of Christians and Jews around the world who love us.

After being in “war mode” for the past 24 hours, my heart is heavy. It wasn’t real, but it could have been. And it still could be. HaShem, I hope it won’t be.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.