An Extraordinary Week
| May 22, 2017
During Yom Yerushalayim—Jerusalem Day—we celebrate the anniversary of the day Israeli troops recaptured Jerusalem and the Western Wall, reuniting this holy, blessed city.
You’ll join other faithful Fellowship friends who reaffirm their love for Israel and Her people, partnering with God and our ministry to defend Israel and her people from terror and to care for struggling Jews in the Holy Land and elsewhere who need our help to survive.
Through your gift, you will take action according to Isaiah 62:1, declaring
“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.”
The Fellowship is called to serve needy and vulnerable Jews in Israel, the former Soviet Union, and around the world by providing much-needed food, clothing, critical medicines, and many other specific needs for vulnerable Jews who have nowhere else to turn.
At a time when fewer nations show themselves to be a friend to Israel and the Jewish people, we must Stand for Israel with greater resolve than perhaps ever before.