“How Alone I Am in the World”

The Fellowship  |  February 27, 2017

The left side of an elderly Jewish woman wearing all blue.

For years, Emilia has been a devoted volunteer at a Fellowship ministry center, carrying out the lifesaving work that you make possible. But at 76, she is battling numerous health issues including back pain and severe arthritis, and her greatest pain of all – loneliness.

Unable to bear children, Emilia filled her life by working as a chemical engineer and providing care for her aging parents and brother. But sadly, Emilia’s family have all passed away.

“Sometimes I almost cry when I think about how alone I am in the world,” says Emilia, her eyes filling with tears.

Like thousands of other elderly Jews in the former Soviet Union, Emilia is also battling the threat of poverty. Having had a good job and solid health for many years, she now struggles even with simple tasks. She is no longer able to work and regularly volunteer, and she has little money left to pay for everyday things that many would take for granted.

There are so many more like Emilia who cry out as the psalmist did: “Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone” (Psalm 71:9).

Many elderly Jews are unable to leave their homes at all. They have no money for food or basic needs. They live in isolation with no one to talk to and no one to check in on them.

Please give your most generous gift to provide food for the hungry, healing for the sick, and companionship and care for those impoverished elderly Jews suffering loneliness and who have no one to care for them.

Your gift will be the answer to prayer for an elderly Jew who feels forgotten. You will impact their life with love and hope.