Helping Christians at Risk
The Fellowship | January 13, 2020
Convert to Islam, flee Iraq, or be killed. Those were the choices given to sixteen-year-old Maryam and her family…simply because they are Christians. Because we can count on friends like you to take action with us to rescue the persecuted, we are helping Christians at risk and were able to step out in faith and rush to help when we were alerted to this dear family’s needs.
Maryam’s family immediately fled with only the clothes on their backs. They later learned that ISIS destroyed their entire village.
Maryam and her family were barely surviving in Jordan before we found them. They were facing a “lesser nightmare” of fear, suffering, and daily despair as they prayed and hoped against hope for their Christian brothers and sisters to provide food, medicine, and shelter.
Maryam’s father Alaa cannot work in Jordan. He has no way to support his family. Every week he goes to the United Nations office to see about resettling somewhere else. And every week they turn him away.
Thanks to our Fellowship community, we are helping Christians at risk by giving lifesaving care to the persecuted like innocent Maryam by providing food, medicine, and shelter throughout the year. This aid is a lifeline for those who have nowhere else to turn for help.
We knew we had to act and answer the Bible’s calls to “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter” (Proverbs 24:11) and “Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked” (Psalm 82:4).
Because of your faithful support, we continue to stand with and support persecuted Christians like Maryam as hate groups spread more terror across the Middle East.