For Such a Time as This

The Fellowship  |  August 17, 2019

Elderly Jewish woman wiping her face while crying.

We are fulfilling God’s mandate to “comfort ye, comfort ye” His people (Isaiah 40:1). We are living in prophetic, historic times. We’re witnessing the ingathering of the Jewish people from the “four corners of the earth” (Isaiah 11:12) that the prophet Isaiah spoke of — thanks to the support of Christian brothers and sisters.

We’re witnessing God’s hand of protection and providence on Israel as she finishes her 70th year, bringing the words of Genesis 28:15 alive, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

Yet, these are also difficult times for Israel and her people. We live between wars — between rockets and terror attacks in our backyards. As Israel secures her borders, her most vulnerable people — God’s chosen people — fall through the cracks.

That’s why the Fellowship is thankful that God has raised up friends like you, “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).

Today, you can join our monthly giving family to stand in the gap as Queen Esther did to deliver the Jewish people.

So many of the most vulnerable have no way to care for themselves month-to-month. As the needs continue to rise, especially during times of increased need — like the High Holy Days, the bitter winter months, Passover, and beyond — God’s chosen people NEED you this year.

And we need your continued friendship and partnership in ministry — to help ensure that every single Jewish person who has fallen on hard times can get the basic essentials and help they need to survive each month.

Together, we can continue fulfilling God’s mandate to “comfort ye, comfort ye” His people (Isaiah 40:1).

May you be blessed as you bless God’s people according to His promise in Genesis 12:3.