Feeding a Sick, Destitute Widow

The Fellowship  |  March 1, 2016

A middle aged Jewish woman looking solemn while pictures and a rose are beside her.

Freida is free from religious persecution, but bound by poverty. She is an elderly immigrant from Iran, where she was a physical therapist for over 30 years. When she had the opportunity to make a top-secret aliyah (immigration to Israel) to Israel a few years ago, she was forced to leave all of her belongings behind. She arrived in Israel with the clothes on her back.

Freida does not speak Hebrew and is trapped in her apartment all day, due to the fact that she is sick and cannot walk down the six flights of broken stairs. The building is littered with garbage and has intermittent electricity. Freida’s apartment is dilapidated, roach-infested, and has no kitchen, only an old refrigerator filled with spoiled food and cockroach spray.

Freida would be completely forgotten if not for the Fellowship-funded soup kitchen which delivers her warm meals daily so that she does not starve to death. “The only food I have to eat is what you provide me with,” she explains, adding how grateful she is for support from The Fellowship‘s Guardians of Israel.

There are many people like Freida living in Israel, finally free from religious persecution, yet still bound by crushing poverty. Your donation to Guardians of Israel provides for their dire needs and reassures them that others care about their well-being. Please give today.