Faces of The Fellowship: Alexander, Daniil, and Kiril

The Fellowship  |  November 25, 2015

A mother and her three boys, all recipients of IFCJ's program sitting on a bed smiling.

Alexander, 8, and Daniil, 10, live with their mother and 4-year-old half-brother, Kiril, in a tiny shack in Ukraine. The house is heated with coal and has no bathroom; the family uses an outhouse in the yard. Until last year, the family did not even have running water.

But thanks to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), an electric water heater and piping were finally installed. IFCJ also bought Alexander and Daniil the bunk-bed they sleep in and helped cover the cost of Daniil’s school supplies.

The boys’ mother, Alexandra, is unemployed; after taking time off after Kiril’s birth she has had trouble finding new employment. The job search is especially difficult these days since the troubles in eastern Ukraine have had a negative effect on the entire country’s economy.

The family does not know what they would do without IFCJ, which provides the boys with bank cards for food, medicine, and clothing, offering lifesaving assistance that means the world to this struggling family.