Celebrating Jerusalem Day

The Fellowship  |  June 5, 2019

Yael Eckstein at IDF outpost with soldiers

As we celebrated Jerusalem Day — the anniversary of the day Israeli troops recaptured Jerusalem and the Western Wall, reuniting God’s blessed Holy City — we also celebrated our Fellowship friends who bless the Holy Land year round.

In this past month alone, thousands of Christians and Jews rallied around Israel in so many beautiful ways, showing Israel and her people once again who their true friends are.

Two are better than one…If either of them falls down, one can help the other up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

After more than 600 rockets were fired at Israel, we shared the urgent need for bomb shelters and other emergency provisions. 945 “Guardians of Israel” rose up to sacrificially help fill this need. Because of this impact, the people of Israel are more secure for the next time her enemies arise.

The rockets took their toll on the brave soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) standing on the front lines. We invited our partners to send a message of support to the troops to strengthen their spirits. We now have the privilege of delivering 1,726 messages of encouragement to Israel’s soldiers, on behalf of Christians around the world.

Prior to Jerusalem Day, we emailed an invitation to join Yael at the one-year Anniversary celebration of the U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem with Prime Minister Netanyahu. 22,819 people joined this celebration.

We had the honor of sharing Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stories from the field. 7,009 “watchmen on the wall” took our challenge to learn what a day in life of a soldier was like. 1,476 people took action, sending a care package and other comfort items to these brave men and women.

And after all of this, the response was strong in Israel’s time of desperate need. Christian and Jewish communities raised more than $400,000 to provide immediate needs for 80 families who lost everything in wildfires that set the land ablaze and destroyed entire communities.

And above all, thousands of friends of The Fellowship continued to cover the nation and people of Israel in prayer, asking God to protect, bless, and provide for His chosen people.