A Passover to Remember
| April 16, 2020
Because of your faithful friendship, we were able to deliver an Emergency Passover Food Box filled to the brim with nutritious staples and Passover food, as well as sanitation items like toilet paper, soap, and gloves. It is a Passover to remember. But our work is not done! With your gift today, you become the hands and feet of God’s provision for the neediest Jews in Israel and around the world.
Thank you to our Fellowship friends for your outpouring of love this Passover. It’s such an honor to witness the power of your godly compassion first-hand… to see you join other faithful heroes and come to the rescue of God’s precious people.
Your extraordinary support during this extraordinary time in our history meant EVERYTHING to the extraordinary people we serve together.
One of the precious souls you’ve blessed is a lovely Jewish woman named Esther.
Esther was dreading Passover this year. Unable to leave her home, she didn’t know how she was going to gather her next meal, let alone afford it at all.
And then YOU stepped in.
You took every worry away from Esther, turning Passover into a sacred celebration and remembrance for this child of God. Because of you, she was able to celebrate Passover the way God has commanded her – with dignity and devotion.
“I don’t know how I would survive without you.”
THANK YOU for being on the side of the Jewish people. Thank you for being on Esther’s side.
THANK YOU for sharing life-giving food and comfort with Esther and thousands of other vulnerable and elderly Jews this holiday season. Especially this Passover when the coronavirus pandemic has turned the world turn upside down.
And THANK YOU for blessing The Fellowship with your faithful friendship, prayers, and generosity all year round. We are just overwhelmed by your kindness.
Our work is Not Done!
Your gift today will help provide lifesaving provisions such as food, sanitary necessities, and more for these vulnerable, precious people. Please be as generous as you can– we need you more than ever.