She Is Not Alone

The Fellowship  |  February 20, 2023

Evgenia, an elderly Jewish woman alone in Ukraine, 2023
(Photo: JDC)

When war erupted in Ukraine last year, Evgenia found herself in the middle of the violence. Living in Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine with her mother, the two elderly Jewish women found themselves alone, right on the frontlines.

For Evgenia’s 94-year-old mother, this was nothing new, as the dear woman had already survived the Holocaust. The two fled Kharkiv with nothing, and could find nowhere to stay until The Fellowship found them.

Sadly, this second displacement—at her advanced age—proved to be too much for Evgenia’s mother, who passed away, leaving Evgenia by herself. But thanks to our loving God and to The Fellowship’s partners on the ground in the war-torn nation, this precious woman is not truly alone.

This winter, Evgenia was provided with heat and new clothes that kept her warm despite the Ukrainian chill, as well as nourishing food and medications for her many health problems. Homecare assistance has also proven both life-changing and lifesaving for her, as her cataracts have taken her vision. But thanks to your gifts, Evgenia can see that she is not alone, but has Christian friends around the world who love her.

Your blessing will provide lifesaving love and warmth for elderly Jews like Evgenia.