Leaving No One Behind
The Fellowship | February 19, 2020
We have a sacred calling from God to “comfort ye, comfort ye my people” (Isaiah 40:1). In a world that has increasingly turned against them, the Jewish people need this comfort more than ever. Our Fellowship friends make it possible to ensure we’re leaving no one behind on the next Freedom Flight On Wings of Eagles.
Yael Eckstein still remembers the overwhelming pride she felt when the FIRST memorial flight touched down in Tel Aviv last year — pride in God’s faithfulness.
We know this year will be no different. Our hearts anxiously wait to see His faithfulness again through the faithfulness of those who serve Him — your faithfulness.
This ministry of ours is HOLY. It is sacred. Yael will continue to complete the work her father left — the work God has called her to do. And you can be right there with her.
Right now, many Ukrainian Jews are waiting anxiously to be rescued. They are counting down the days … because they know a Freedom Flight On Wings of Eagles is their only hope to escape persecution and reach the Promised Land.
Elderly Jews are hiding their identities in fear of becoming targets for violence and persecution — like they were during the Holocaust.
Families are relying on prayer alone to keep their little ones safe as they send them to school.
Not even synagogues are safe — Jews are hoping they won’t be the next casualties as acts of terror increase in places of worship around the world.
We’ve raised a good percentage needed to make sure this rescue operation moves forward. Fellowship friends like you have been such faithful partners in this prophetic ministry. Can we count on your prayers and generosity once again?
We cannot forsake God’s people. We cannot leave anyone behind. That’s what Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein believed. And we hope you believe it, too.
Building on Rabbi Eckstein’s legacy is the right thing for the Jewish people. And Yael feels it’s the right thing to do as his daughter.
“I’m so grateful God has aligned these two things in my heart, so I can proudly pick up my father’s mantle and partner with friends like you to bless and protect Israel,” – Yael Eckstein
Please do not wait — whatever you can spare will literally help save the lives of Jewish people whose safety is threatened simply because of their faith. These are God’s children. And they need you.