Good Friends and Family

The Fellowship  |  July 21, 2021

Naami and Elisha have found good friends with The Fellowship in Israel
(Photo: Yisrael Yosef)

Twenty years ago, Naami made Aliyah (immigrated to Israel) with her husband and children. The Jewish family moved to their biblical homeland from India, making good on their lifelong dream.

Life in a new country was hard, but Naami’s family found friends and help from The Fellowship. But once in Israel, the family also faced tragedy—on the way to a holiday meal, her young son Adriel died in a car accident.

Since then, life has been hard. Naami’s other children grieve their lost brother, the same as Naami and her husband do. Naami found work hard to come by during the coronavirus pandemic, as she had been working as a substitute teacher and schools were closed.

But Naami didn’t dwell on her hardships, instead hosting women from her town of Be’er Sheva for Bible studies and prayer for those mothers who have also lost young children.

And just as you have shown your love for the neediest—just as Naami does—your Fellowship family would be honored to support you by taking your prayer requests and needs to the holiest spot in God’s Holy City—the Western Wall. For, as Naami says, “God always gives us good friends and family.” Amen, Naami.

Share your prayer request here so that we can bring it to God at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.