Providing a Brighter Future for a Young Immigrant Family
The Fellowship | September 12, 2008
The Salem family — Abraham, Sima, and their three young children — made aliyah (immigrated to Israel) from Ethiopia in 2003.
Though Abraham is an intelligent man who could have had a successful career if he would he have studied, he did not have the opportunity due to the language barrier and his need to put food on the table. He worked as a security guard in Israel for four years — until he was laid off. Now Abraham works as a janitor, and he barely makes enough money to feed his children.
Sima worked as a cleaner for three years, but had to quit to take care of their youngest child. Since they cannot afford daycare, Sima stays home with the baby all day while Abraham works.
But thanks to The Fellowship‘s Guardians of Israel program, Abraham and Sima are now enrolled in a job-training program for Ethiopians. They will learn Hebrew, computer skills, and basic accounting so they can both find jobs with more security and benefits. Thanks to The Fellowship’s generous donors, these parents are on their way to providing a brighter future for their children in the Holy Land.
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