A New Year
The Fellowship | September 15, 2020
Each of these smiling faces belongs to a precious Jewish child at Eitz Chaim School in Russia. And each child smiles for a new year.
A new year at school, with hot meals, transportation, and security, all thanks to The Fellowship’s faithful friends.
A new year as Rosh Hashanah arrives, with the sacred foods and traditions that the Bible asks God’s people to eat and observe during the High Holy Days. Again, only possible thanks to Fellowship friends.
Far too many of these children would have nothing to eat, nowhere to go, and nobody to love them, if not for their Christian and Jewish friends around the world.
And these students at Eitz Chaim School, part of the Fellowship-supported Shema Yisrael network, are not the only ones helped by The Fellowship. As the coronavirus continues even as the Jewish communities served by the network hope for a sweet new year, we are there providing families and elderly with food and medicine.
For so many, it is a happy new year, indeed. Thanks to The Fellowship’s friends.