A High Holy Days Miracle

The Fellowship  |  September 18, 2023

Natalya, a Holocaust survivor in Israel, receives a Fellowship food box for the High Holy Days
(Photo: Mishel Amzaleg)

86-year-old Holocaust survivor Natalya has lived a long life thanks to God’s miracles. As a small child, she escaped Nazi-occupied Europe with her mother and father, aboard “a train with no destination.” Her pregnant mother was able to give birth to a healthy baby. But Natalya’s grandfather—like 6 million other Jews—perished at the hands of the Nazis.

Today, Natalya still survives because of God’s hand. With no one left to care for her, she finds help from Fellowship friends like you, who provide regular food boxes, help with utilities, much-needed companionship, and special deliveries during the High Holy Days.

“I manage to maintain my health,” Natalya said during a recent visit. “The Fellowship and its donors are my miracle!”

You can be the holy miracle which a Jewish person in need has been praying for this High Holy Days season.