White House Condemns Bomb Threats Targeting Jewish Centers

The Fellowship  |  February 21, 2017

President Trump at a podium with a woman and several American flags behind him.
White House Condemns Bomb Threats Targeting Jewish Centers

Yesterday, Stand for Israel told you about the latest bomb threats to be made against Jewish Community Centers across the United States, a troubling rash of anti-Semitism we have kept you abreast of. The Jerusalem Post reports that the White House and Ivanka Trump have both spoken out against the threats, saying “these actions are unacceptable”:

“Hatred and hate-motivated violence of any kind have no place in a country founded on the promise of individual freedom,” reads a statement, attributed to White House press secretary Sean Spicer, that was shared Monday afternoon by NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander. “The President has made it abundantly clear that these actions are unacceptable.”

The statement did not specify that the threats targeted Jewish institutions, although it came in reply to a query about threats to JCCs.

Alexander posted Spicer’s response on Twitter, adding,  “@PressSec responds to my request for comment about wave of threats to Jewish community centers.”

Separately, Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, who is Jewish, condemned the threats in a Tweet that pointed to the fact that the targets were Jewish.

“America is a nation built on the principle of religious tolerance,” she said. “We must protect our houses of worship & religious centers.” She ended the tweet with the hashtagged acronym for Jewish community center, “#JCC”.

Earlier in the day, 11 Jewish community centers across the United States were targeted with false bomb threats, the fourth such wave of harassing phone calls in five weeks…