Ukraine Jews Come Home to Israel with IFCJ

The Fellowship  |  August 1, 2016

Young girl with hair in a bun wearing an oversized Fellowship shirt waving an Israeli flag.
Ukraine Jews Come Home to Israel with IFCJ

The Fellowship continues to bring Jewish people to the Holy Land from areas threatened by war, anti-Semitism, and other violence, with the help of our faithful friends and supporters. The Jewish Press’ Hana Levi Julian reports on the latest Fellowship Freedom Flight that allowed 235 Ukrainian Jews, many of them badly traumatized, to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel):

A new group of 235 immigrants from Ukraine landed this week at Ben Gurion International Airport. Many of them arrived still badly traumatized from their experiences over the past two years in war-torn areas of the former Soviet satellite.

Many have been homeless, wandering from town to town, ducking bullets and praying for safety. More than a few have found themselves in the middle of what is known as the “The Republic of Luhansk”, a separatist state established in eastern Ukraine by Pro-Russian separatist forces. It is now a battlefield between the two factions.

The new Israelis made the trip with special assistance from the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews…

The flight was one of 28 that was arranged by the IFCJ in the past three months in order to bring new immigrants to Israel. On those flights were more than 4,000 new olim who came home to the Jewish State from places like Ukraine, France, South America and elsewhere.

Learn how you can bless and be blessed by helping other Jewish people in peril make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) on a future Fellowship Freedom Flight.