Terror Victim to UN: What If I Paid to Butcher Your Fathers?

The Fellowship  |  March 20, 2018

In 2015, an Israeli-American man named Richard Lakin was murdered during a Jerusalem terror attack. And now, The Jerusalem Post’s Tovah Lazaroff reports, Lakin’s son has confronted the UNHRC in order to condemn the Palestinian policy of paying terrorists and their families:

“Members of this council, what if I were to pay 300 million dollars to have all of your fathers butchered, would you report on that?” Micah Lakin Avni asked the council.

Avni spoke as part of a debate on five anti-Israel resolutions and seven reports tabled under the UNHRC’s Agenda Item 7, which began to be debated Monday evening.

Avni’s father, Israeli-American Richard Lakin, was killed at the age of 76 by a terror attack on an Egged bus in the Talpiot neighborhood of Jerusalem in October 2015.

Former UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon visited Lakin, a Jerusalem educator who was known for his commitment to Israeli-Palestinian co-existence, in the hospital prior to his death.

In 2016, Avni asked the council to condemn his father’s murder. This time, Avni told the body its silence on the issue of PA payments to terrorists makes it an accomplice to murder.

In his statement, Avni described how his father was first shot in the head and then stabbed.

Those who killed his father and their families were given $3 million over the course of their lives by the PA and its President Mahmoud Abbas…