Talks Underway for Trump’s First Israel Visit

The Fellowship  |  April 26, 2017

President Bibi and President Trump both talking at podiums with the American and Israeli flag behind them.
Talks Underway for Trump's First Israel Visit

This May, Donald Trump’s trip to Europe may also include his first presidential visit to the Jewish state. The Times of Israel’s Stuart Winer reports that Trump’s visit would coincide with 50th anniversary celebrations of Jerusalem’s reuinification:

Officials in Jerusalem and Washington are in advanced talks to arrange a visit by US President Donald Trump to Israel in May, Hebrew media reported on Wednesday.

If the plans go ahead it will be Trump’s first ever visit to Israel.

Israel Radio said the talks had been going on for several weeks and that a US delegation to prepare for the visit was set to arrive in Israel on Thursday. A senior diplomatic official told the radio that the chances of Trump coming to Israel were at 80 percent.

Trump, whose first scheduled foreign trip as president is a visit to Brussels next month, is looking to expand on that by arriving in Israel on May 21 or in the days after, the reports said.

If Trump were to visit on those dates it would coincide with Israel’s celebration of the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War, which falls this year on the eve of May 23 and the day of the 24th.

It also coincides with an important decision Trump will have to make on whether to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as he promised in his election campaign…