Swastika Shows Hamas’ True Intent
Stand for Israel | August 13, 2019
Last week, the horrific murder of a young Israeli student and soldier — by terrorists with ties to Hamas, no less — filled our minds and heavy hearts. And perhaps that is why this bit of news didn’t register until now. While Hamas’ actions surely show their murderous intent, our friends at the Algemeiner report on a Nazi flag that display the terrorist group’s ultimate goal — the destruction of the Jewish state and the Jewish people:
Israel continued on Tuesday to call out Hamas for the placing last Friday on the Gaza border fence of a Nazi swastika flag by Palestinian demonstrators.
“When #Hamas-led rioters in #Gaza raise the #Nazi flag, they expose their true intention — to annihilate the Jewish State. But Hamas will never have its way,” the Israeli Foreign Ministry tweeted.
On Monday, it was reported that Hamas had instructed rioters to not use the swastika “so that the Israeli occupation cannot take advantage of it.”
Elad Strohmayer — spokesperson for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC — tweeted on Tuesday, “Hey #Hamas, I get your concern about your PR but banning Nazi symbols just won’t do it. As long as you call for the destruction of the Jewish State, using swastikas is simply you being honest. It’s not the swastika that makes us think you want to kill all Jews, it’s your charter.”