Siblings and Former Hostages Tell Their Story
Stand for Israel | December 12, 2023
We hear from two siblings, Maya and her younger brother Itay Regev, who were recently released from captivity in Gaza after being taken during the Supernova music festival. They share the difficult reality of being held captive, while expressing worry for those left still in Gaza, reports The Jerusalem Post:
“My name is Maya Regev. I was taken hostage with my younger brother and one of my best friends,” Maya explains…
“I was held by Hamas for 54 days,” Itay Regev said. “Every day feels like an eternity. The days are very difficult—and I mean whether it’s the hunger, the longing for the family, the hard mentality, [or] the difficult conditions.” …
“Every day there is like hell,” Maya continued. “Abnormal fear. Zero sleep at night. The longings are crazy and the lack of knowledge is just scary.”