Reopening the Holy Land

Stand for Israel  |  May 5, 2020

PM Netanyahu press conference on coronavirus, May 4, 2020
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו במסיבת עיתונאים מציג את אסטרטגיית היציאה - שלב ב׳.צילום: חיים צח / לע"מPhotos By : Haim Zach / GPO

During the coronavirus crisis, Israel has been on the forefront of fighting the viral threat. And now, the country prepares to reopen.

Prime Minister Netanyahu held a press conference yesterday that laid out the Jewish state’s next steps. What seemed like harsh lockdown measures ordered by the Israeli government in recent weeks resulted in a reduction in Israeli cases of COVID-19. And this reduction allows some of those measures to be lifted.

Netanyahu explained that yesterday only 30 new cases had been reported in Israel. Just one month ago, the government reported 739 daily new cases. Now stores and malls can begin reopening. Israelis can start meeting in larger groups. Street markets can also reopen. Israeli schools will also reopen on a limited basis. The government requires that masks be worn in public, including on buses and trains.

If, on June 14, there has been no spike in coronavirus cases, all restrictions in Israel will be lifted. The Jewish state is a light unto the nations, both showing how to most effectively combat the pandemic and continuing to work on a vaccine to combat it in the future.