Remembering One of Israel’s Founding Fathers

The Fellowship  |  September 28, 2017

Rabbi Eckstein standing next to one of Israel's founding fathers.
Remembering One of Israel's Founding Fathers

One year ago, Shimon Peres – who served as both Prime Minister and President of Israel, and whose career spanned nearly the entire life of the modern Jewish state – passed away at the age of 93. Shortly before Peres’ passing, Rabbi Eckstein shared these words about this inspirational statesman and servant who blessed Israel and those who stand for her with his gifts and presence. May his memory be a blessing.

To say Peres is an inspiration is an understatement. The Bible speaks often of the importance of godly leaders, and holds those who step into leadership roles to a higher standard than the rest of us. God knows that these men and women have the ability to influence countless lives, and He holds those who would dare to do so accountable for this impact. Thankfully, Israel has been blessed over the years with many strong, godly leaders who have led the country and her people well.

I am grateful for the life of dedicated public servants like Shimon Peres, just as I am grateful for his strong support of The Fellowship‘s work through the years. And I am most grateful that the ultimate leader of Israel is God Himself. As a Jewish state, we have a unique combination of democracy and spirituality, of citizenship and faith. We hope and pray for wise leaders, but our ultimate fate rests in the hands of God. It is this that gives me the greatest hope for Israel’s future.

Today, along with all of Israel, and the world, I thank God for the life of Shimon Peres…