Rabbi Eckstein Calls for Tougher Stance Against Terror
The Fellowship | June 19, 2017
The Fellowship and our faithful followers continue to call for an end to terrorism. Haaretz’s Judy Maltz reports on the media campaign being undertaken this week to pressure the U.S. government into a tougher stance against Qatar and others who support terror:
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder and president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, hopes to capitalize on his clout among Christian evangelicals – a key base of support for the president during the last election – to move American policy in a direction he views as more favorable to Israel.
As part of this campaign, Eckstein’s organization will be running a full-page color ad on Monday in USA Today, among the most widely circulated newspapers in the United States, while launching a “takeover” of advertising on its digital edition for the entire day. Starting Tuesday, the organization will bring its message to two leading cable news networks, CNN and Fox, with 30-second and 60-second ads.
The full-page color ad that will appear in USA Today will feature an open letter from Eckstein to Trump, accusing Qatar of taking actions that have been “deeply detrimental to the cause of Middle East peace,” such as supporting Israel’s arch-enemy Hamas…