Photo Friday: Rain on the Earth

The Fellowship  |  November 10, 2017

A rainbow over a body of water.
Photo Friday: Rain on the Earth

“If clouds are full of water,
they pour rain on the earth.”
(Ecclesiastes 11:3)

In a recent piece on the many meanings of the biblical festival of Sukkot, Israeli writer for The Fellowship Ami Farkas spoke of the holiday’s placement before Israel’s short but important rainy season:

Sukkot also marks the beginning of the rainy season, an extremely important and short season in the Middle East. Here in Israel you can count on it not to rain from Passover to Sukkot.Our dry season is extremely dry, and nearly six months will pass with nothing but dew to wet the earth.

Rainfall in modern Israel has always been a matter of life and death. Israelis are taught from childhood to conserve water, Middle Eastern wars can ignite over water disputes, and in ancient times, it was even a graver issue. Therefore, the theme of water is very present throughout the Sukkot holiday.

And in this week’s photo, we see God’s promise – a rainbow – follow the rain He provides to His land and His people. Shabbat shalom, friends.