Photo Friday: David Ben-Gurion and the Creativity and Pioneer Vigor of Israel

Stand for Israel  |  June 26, 2020

David Ben-Gurion in Sde Boker in Negev Desert, 1968
DAVID BEN GURION ON THE BALCONY OF THE NEGEV COLLEGE LIBRARY OVERLOOKING THE WILDERNESS OF ZIN ON HIS 82ND BIRTHDAY AT SDEH BOKER.ראש הממשלה לשעבר ושר הביטחון הראשון של מדינת ישראל דוד בן גוריון, נשען על מעקה מרפסת נוף הצופה על נחל צין, ליד שדה בוקר.

When David Ben-Gurion, one of the founding fathers and true pioneers of the modern state of Israel retired, he went to Kibbutz Sde Boker in the Negev Desert. There he spent his final years. And there he said, “It is in the Negev that creativity and pioneer vigor of Israel shall be tested.”

To this day, Israelis pioneer in southern Israel, in the Negev, even as terrorist rockets from Gaza target them. But these pioneers have people like YOU, who stand for Israel and support them through The Fellowship. Thank you. Shabbat shalom, friends.