A Perfect Time to Stand for Israel
Stand for Israel | June 27, 2019
Fellowship supporters act in faith in this time to stand for Israel to strengthen her in ways that truly matter. But, as tensions often run high in Israel, the nation and her people continue to need steadfast commitment.
You can show your support for Israel with a special gift to help her most vulnerable people.
They are “the least of these” in the Holy Land, including Bolor, an elderly widow who is in poor health.
Bolor spends most of her time in bed, and can only get around her small apartment in a wheelchair. She would be destitute without the regular food packages Fellowship friends make possible through generous gifts.
This compassion has also provided her with a much-needed hospital bed.
Suffering people like Bolor are the reason we want to be a special encouragement and blessing to Israel.
Helping impoverished families, children, and the elderly with food, medicine, shelter, and other essentials is a tangible way you can contribute to a strong and independent Israel.
And until the blessed day when Israel’s true peace and security comes, we will also continue to answer this call for the nation’s security: “Lift up a banner [for Israel]…Reinforce the guard, station the watchmen” (Jeremiah 51:12).