Netanyahu: There is Great Admiration for Israel in Brazil

The Fellowship  |  January 2, 2019

Bibi sitting with five other people having a conversation.
Netanyahu Awarded Brazil's Prestigious Medal for Foreign Dignitaries

Despite the prevalence of anti-Israel bias on the world political stage, it is good to know that Israel continues to build and strengthen her alliances with some Latin American countries:

Anyone who wants additional proof that Israel is a rising world power should see the great admiration for Israel in Brazil, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday. Netanyahu arrived in Brazil last week to attend the inauguration of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and hold meetings with other South American leaders.

On Friday, Bolsonaro awarded Netanyahu the National Order of the Southern Cross, the most prestigious medal Brazil awards foreign dignitaries.

“When the president of Brazil gave me the highest honor that Brazil grants foreign leaders, I accepted it on your behalf,” Netanyahu said in a Hebrew-language message to Israelis posted on his Twitter account.