Netanyahu: President Trump Understands the Common Threat Posed by Iran
The Fellowship | February 17, 2017
After meeting with President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is confident the U.S. president will join him in protecting both the Israeli and the American people against threats from the Iranian government:
The United States and Israel have a “grand mission” to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, the Jewish state’s leader told Fox News on Thursday.
In an interview with Sean Hannity, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — fresh off his White House meeting with US President Donald Trump — said, “Since the signing of the [nuclear] deal, Iran has become more aggressive, more deadly, sponsoring more terrorism and, in fact, also…with more money, a lot more money. And people are saying, wait a minute, this roaring tiger, if it’s not stopped, will devour all of us. We’re all prey to this militant Islamic regime that will arm itself with nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles that could reach you. They’ve killed Americans all over the place. They sponsor terrorism against Americans all over the place. Now they’re going to build ICBMs…that can reach the United States and have the multiple warheads to do that. That’s horrible. It’s dangerous for America, dangerous for Israel, dangerous for the Arabs.”