Korea’s Christian Support for Israel Has Never Been Stronger

The Fellowship  |  November 29, 2017

Rabbi Eckstein with a man to his right as he gives a speech at a podium.
Korea's Christian Support for Israel Has Never Been Stronger

Earlier this month, Rabbi Eckstein traveled to South Korea, both to visit The Fellowship’s office there and to build bridges while visiting Korean churches. Our friends at JNS report on the encouragement Rabbi Eckstein felt during his visits, amazed at the support for both the Jewish state and the Jewish people he experienced:

Christian support for Israel in South Korea is stronger than ever according to the founder and president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship), Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

“I was humbled and grateful to see our friends in South Korea and deeply encouraged to know that their support for Israel and the Jewish people has never been stronger,” Eckstein stated last week after completing his fifth trip to South Korea since 2012.

During Eckstein’s latest “bridge-building trip” to the Korean Peninsula, he met with Christian leaders and church members in the South Korean capital of Seoul, and also visited The Fellowship’s locally based office.

Eckstein met with Christians from Joyous Church, the Sungrak Church, Yeshua Church, Eagle Christian School, who are all strong advocates for Israel, and have a combined congregation numbering in the tens of thousands.

According to The Fellowship, around 20 percent of South Korea’s 50 million people are Protestant, and these figures include thousands of Christians who are strong supporters of the Jewish state…