‘Israel Will Be Hit by 2,000 Missiles a Day in Future War’

Stand for Israel  |  March 17, 2021

Missiles fired from Gaza
Missiles fired from Gaza

While the ongoing pandemic continues to be the Jewish state’s greatest challenge, future conflicts with her enemies hold threats, as well. Our friends at The Jerusalem Post report that the IDF warns that in wars to come, Israel’s enemies that surround her on all sides will target the Israeli people in their homes with thousands of rockets and missiles each day:

Israel will come under an onslaught of 2,000 rockets and missiles every day during a future war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, OC Home Front Command Maj.-Gen. Uri Gordin warned on Monday…

“Our enemies on the different fronts need to know that if needed, we will activate a powerful military that has never been seen before,” Gordin said.

He added that Israel’s enemies should know that the Israeli home front is resilient and has proven itself in the past.

“They know they cannot defeat us on the battlefield, so they try to move the war to a second front and that is our homes and in our cities,” the IDF general said…

Thank you for your continued stand for Israel, and for keeping the Jewish state and her people in your prayers. May God provide his mighty hand of protection over His children – whether it be from missiles or sickness – just as He has since the days of the Bible.