IDF Preparing for Thousands of Rockets

The Fellowship  |  January 31, 2017

Rocket beams through the night sky at Tel Aviv.
Rockets Fired at Tel Aviv

Yesterday Stand for Israel reported on some of the terror threats about which Israel is constantly vigilant. One of these is the Lebanese terrorist organization, Hezbollah. Now, The Jerusalem Post’s Anna Ahronheim tells us that the IDF is currently very concerned with Hezbollah’s ability not only to strike anywhere within Israel’s borders, but to take out the Jewish state’s electronic systems, as well:

The IDF Home Front Command is preparing for the thousands of rockets expected to strike Israel during the next war, investing hundreds of millions of shekels over the past two years on defensive measures and strengthening strategic capabilities.

The IDF considers Hezbollah the most substantial threat, with at least 120,000 rockets aimed at Israel, many of them able to strike anywhere in the country. While most have a range of just 45 kilometers, the army has said that it expects a bombardment of over 1,000 rockets in the course of just one day.

The Home Front Command currently divides the country into 264 polygon alert zones in which a siren is activated once the flight path and expected landing area of a missile or rocket is calculated.

The Jerusalem Post has learned that Israel’s already state-of-the-art alert system is being upgraded, as the number of polygon alert zones is set to increase to a few thousand by April 2018.

The increase in zones means that, as opposed to a siren sounding for an entire city, individual neighborhoods or streets will be alerted to take shelter…