Chuck Norris and Israel

The Fellowship  |  February 27, 2017

Chuck Norris and Bibi smiling at each other.
Chuck Norris and Israel

A couple weeks ago, we shared a recent photo of two immovable objects – action hero Chuck Norris and the Western Wall. While only the Wall is a holy site, Chuck Norris has long been a beloved actor and a friend of Israel, as well.

In the above photo, Norris meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who the actor supported in Israel’s last two elections.

Norris has also filmed two of his blockbuster movies in the Holy Land – The Delta Force, in which he foils a terrorist hijacking, and Hellbound, in which Norris’ character investigates the murder of a rabbi and battles Satan.

If we didn’t already love Chuck Norris because of his exciting career, we would now, knowing that like us he stands for Israel!