Bibi Welcomes Home Guard from Jordan
The Fellowship | July 25, 2017
In yesterday’s Daily Dispatch, Stand for Israel told you about tensions after an Israeli guard was stabbed in an attack at the Jewish state’s embassy in Jordan. The Jerusalem Post’s Herb Keinon reports that PM Netanyahu secured the guard’s release and welcomed him home, saying, “I am happy to see you, happy that things ended the way they did”:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in his Jerusalem office Tuesday morning with Israel’s Ambassador to Jordan, Einat Schlein, and Ziv, the Israeli guard stabbed in the embassy complex Sunday evening.
The meeting came less than 12 hours after they – along with Israel’s delegation to Amman – crossed over the Allenby Bridge after a hair-raising drama that began with the stabbing of Ziv, and his firing two shots in self-defense, killing the assailant and another man at the scene.
“I am happy to see you, happy that things ended the way they did,” Netanyahu told the two. “You acted calmly and well, and we had the responsibility to get you out, there was no question whatsoever. It was only a matter of time, and I am happy it was a short period of time.”
Netanyahu said that the two represented Israel, and Israel never forgot that…