Bibi Slams Iran for Mistreatment of Christians
The Fellowship | January 2, 2018
As the Iranian government continues to supress its own people’s protests for freedom, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to video calling out Tehran for its mistreatment of Christians, as well. The Jerusalem Post’s Herb Keinon reports that Netanyahu pointed out the hypocrisy of Iran tweeting a Christmas message when it continues to persecute Christian believers:
With demonstrators taking to Iranian streets in a series of rare protests that have continued since Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted a short video clip on Facebook on Friday blasting Tehran for its treatment of Christians, and underlining the hypocrisy of Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s tweeting of a Christmas message last week.
“Get a load of this,” Netanyahu said in the video – shared some 25,500 times – showing Zarif’s tweet.
That tweet, posted on December 23, reads: “‘The angels said, Mary, God gives you glad-tidings of a Word from Him whose name is Christ, Jesus, son of Mary; highly honored in this world and the next’ Quran 3:45 A very happy and peaceful Christmas to all. May Christ’s universal message of peace be embraced in the coming year”.
In his video, Netanyahu said: “I wonder what the Christians, jailed this month in Iran, would say about that tweet. I wonder what Iranian youth would think about that tweet. But sadly the regime bans Twitter, unless of course you are a high-ranking official.”
Earlier this month, according to Persian media reports, Iranian security forces arrested four Iranian converts to Christianity and raided six houses they used as home churches…