Bibi Penalizes Palestinian Pay-for-Slay
The Fellowship | February 4, 2019
The Palestinian Authority continues to pay terrorists and their families for acts of violence carried out against the people of Israel, and PM Netanyahu is not having it. The Jerusalem Post’s Lahav Harkov reports that Netanyahu will now withhold funds from the P.A. because of their refusal to stop paying for terrorism:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to authorize withholding taxes and tariffs collected for the Palestinian Authority in light of its continued monthly payments to terrorists and their families, for the first time since the Deduction Law was passed last year.
The Deduction Law requires the Defense Ministry to present the Security Cabinet with information about how much the PA paid terrorists in prison or the families of terrorists who were killed, and for the Finance Minister to deduct that amount from the taxes and tariffs Israel collects for the PA…
The US cut all aid to the Palestinian Authority recently, as a result of their own law making the aid contingent on the PA stopping its payments to terrorists. Despite the significant economic penalties, the PA plans to maintain its current policy. The PLO’s Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat said this week that the US policy is “misguided” and will lead hundreds of Palestinians to lose their jobs.
Meanwhile, the Defense Ministry is working on gathering precise figures for how much the PA paid those who attacked Israelis in 2018, in order for Israel to block funds, as well…