A US-Born IDF Reservist Adjusts to Family Life Now Home
Stand for Israel | March 5, 2024
Michael thought his IDF days were behind him, but then he was called up to serve in the war against Hamas, leaving his pregnant wife and young daughter behind. He tells The Jerusalem Post that his commitment to protecting Israel kept him motivated through the difficulties of being away for months:
Although Michael, along with many others in his position, had been conflicted about whether to continue serving in reserves, “when that dark Shabbat arrived, I didn’t hesitate to put on my uniform and defend the country,” he stated.
Driven by an overwhelming desire to “protect our country and our families,” he kissed his tearful wife and daughter goodbye before setting off on what would prove to be the most difficult and dangerous journey of his life…
Not only has he had to deal with the physical toll that the war has taken on him, such as back pain, digestive problems, and fungal infections on his feet from wearing his boots around the clock (even when asleep), but he’s also had to deal with an array of significant emotional side effects…
Despite it all, Michael is overwhelmingly relieved to be home, as evidenced by his positive outlook and cheery disposition. His recent military service has given him a whole new perspective, he said. “I appreciate the little things; Gaza renewed that perspective,” and he said he no longer “sweats the small things.”