A Steadfast Alliance

Stand for Israel  |  June 27, 2019

PM Netanyahu
PM Netanyahu

Being the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel is seen (at least by those who stand for and with her) as the paragon of freedom and strength in the region. But, writes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for our friends at JNS, a strong Israel is essential to American safety and security, as well:

Theodor Herzl, who envisioned and paved the way for the rebirth of Israel as a nation, lent great importance to the forging of alliances and the fostering of friendly relations between the Jewish people and the nations of the world. I am happy and proud that in the fabric of our ties with the nations of the world, the alliance between Israel and the United States stands first and prominent. This alliance is steadfast and stronger than ever, and under President Donald Trump it has reached new heights.

We remember very well that it was the United States, led by President Harry Truman, that was the first country to recognize Israel 71 years ago. Over time, this friendship has grown deeper, and in the past few years, it has proved itself as a close strategic alliance.

We have always shared the common democratic values of liberty and justice, as well as mutual interests. But the big change lies in the fact that Israel is becoming a growing global force in the fields of security and technological innovation.

These impressive achievements are the result of the policies promoted by the governments under my leadership, with the aim of making Israel’s economy free and robust, and to establish our status as a technology and cyber power. At the same time, we are investing considerable resources in securing the superiority of our intelligence apparatus and our military might.

Our growing strength has brought many countries closer, which attests to the deep appreciation they have for Israel’s capabilities. Israel’s flourishing diplomatic relations with nations across the five continents is the result of our exceptional achievements and a policy of fostering and nurturing the strengths that are our advantages.

Particularly noteworthy are the budding ties–both overt and clandestine–between us and leading countries in the moderate Arab and Muslim world. This is a dramatic change that is based on the recognition that partnership with Israel contributes to the security, stability, and prosperity of the Middle East.

We lend great importance to our diplomatic relations as a whole, and we know that our alliance with the United States is the cornerstone of these ties…