1/3 of All Olim Backed by Christians
The Fellowship | March 13, 2018
The Fellowship and our faithful Christian friends – who make all of our important work possible – have been in the news a bit lately. And now, The Forward’s Haley Cohen takes another look at the bridges built between Christians and Jews, and the prophetic work that they help accomplish:
Around one-third of all Jewish immigrants to Israel get backing from evangelical Christians, the Associated Press [reported] Thursday.
“After 2,000 years of oppression and persecution, today you have Christians who are helping Jews. This is an amazing thing,” said Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, a group that raises money from evangelical Christians for Jewish causes.
Of the more than 28,000 Jews who immigrated to Israel in 2017, at least 8,500 arrived with help from Christian donations…
Israeli charities raise millions of dollars from Christians around the world, and evangelical Christians make up 13 percent of all tourists to Israel, ABC News reported.