A House of Prayer for All People

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein  |  August 3, 2017

Rabbi Eckstein praying at the Western Wall

Dear Friend of Israel,

If you’ve ever been to the Western Wall in Jerusalem, you know what an extraordinary experience it truly is.

Tourists from around the world, many of them Christians, arrive by the busload to pray where God’s holy Temples once stood. Next to them are Orthodox Jews, wearing traditional black suits and hats. Israeli soldiers with automatic rifles slung over their backs face the Wall in silent reverence, their eyes closed. This cross section of humanity brings to mind God’s promise in the Bible that “my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7).

The sight of the ancient stones, people with their heads bowed, the cracks between the stones filled with written prayers inserted by visitors who have come from all corners of the globe … it cannot help but inspire awe. And even if you haven’t had this wonderful experience in person, I want to invite you to submit your prayers to The Fellowship, so that we can take them before God at the Western Wall.

Of course, we take prayer requests from our supporters every day. But once a year it is our privilege to bring your prayers here, to the holiest site in all Judaism. I sincerely hope you will complete our online prayer request form today, so that we can carry your prayers to Jerusalem. Praying for you at the Wall, asking God to bless you and meet your needs, is one way of returning the blessing of your prayers and support for God’s people.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the great Jewish teachers of the 20th century and a great inspiration to me, once said, “Prayer is a ladder on which our thoughts mount to God.” Let us today join together to raise our prayers to God, secure in the knowledge that He does indeed hear us, and responds to the prayers of His people.

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
Founder and President