Yad Vashem, Facebook Partner To Commemorate Holocaust Victims

The Fellowship  |  January 31, 2020

A cylinder wall full of black and white portrait images.

For International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is observed annually on January 27, Yad Vashem and Facebook partnered to help us remember the victims of the Holocaust, reports NoCamels:

The IRemember Wall is available in six languages – English, Hebrew, French, Spanish, German and Russia – according to Yad Vashem, and creates “a meaningful opportunity for people all over the world to remember the victims of the Holocaust in their own language,” explained Iris Rosenberg, Director of Yad Vashem’s Communications Division in a statement.

“By partnering together with Facebook International, we are able to reach a wider international audience, which is crucial in keeping the memory of the Jewish victims alive and the meanings of the Holocaust relevant to the challenges of today’s reality,” she said.