Wildflowers Bloom at Site of Massacre
The Fellowship | December 12, 2023
Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. — Psalm 112:4
Writing at Israel21c, Abigail Klein Leichman speaks with Amir Balaban, an Israeli wildlife conservation specialist, to tell us more about the types of wildflowers blooming across the Negev in Israel and the site where so much violence and loss took place. These flowers are a symbol of hope says Leichman:
Recent rains coaxed the season’s first funnel-shaped Steven’s meadow saffron and baby’s breath (rain bells) into view above the ground that was desecrated by murder less than two months ago…
Across the Negev, flowers pop up throughout the rainy season – October to March — including squills, daffodils, cyclamens, anemones and irises. Ordinarily, Israelis flock to these areas on weekends but right now the Re’im and Shokeda forests are closed military zones.
“We all hope that a lot of rain will fall in this area, which will clean and nourish the area and allow the residents to return and restore their lives here, and also for the Israeli travelers to be able to return and travel in peace and security,” said Balaban.