As Winter Looms

The Fellowship  |  October 17, 2022

Yael Eckstein visits elderly Jewish woman during winter in Ukraine, 2022

Each year, as the brutal Ukrainian winter looms, the most vulnerable populations who The Fellowship—and YOU—serve in Ukraine become our focus. The Jewish elderly and Holocaust survivors there are at most dire risk. As temperatures drop, these precious souls struggle to stay warm without heat and firewood, necessities The Fellowship provided.

Last winter, Yael visited Ukraine shortly before the Russian invasion and still-ongoing war created even more hardship for those already struggling to survive.

The coldest days lay ahead, and these days, these weeks, these long winter months are truly a matter of life and death for these precious elderly Jews.

Their homes, already crumbling even before the continued Russian attacks, are too often unable to keep out the cold. Their threadbare clothes aren’t sufficient to warm them this winter. Their meager finances can hardly cover food, meaning they must choose between starving or freezing, between, paying for utilities or firewood instead of something to eat.

But The Fellowship is on the ground, continuing to provide for “the least of these” as winter looms and threatens them. And thanks to our faithful supporters around the world, we are providing them with:

  • Heat
  • Firewood
  • Warm clothing
  • Nutritious food
  • Shelter

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