Studies Show Pomegranate Slows Neurodegenerative Diseases

The Fellowship  |  August 5, 2020

Ripe pomegranates on trees in the fruit hanging on tree.
(Photo: iStock/ozgurdonmaz)

Pomegranates are one of the foods of the Bible and grow throughout the Holy Land. Now, researchers think that this fruit could help treat multiple sclerosis patients. Israel21c tells us more:

Everybody knows that the pomegranate is a superfood. One of the seven native fruits of Israel, pomegranates are packed with health-promoting and healing antioxidants and vitamins.

Now, an Israeli supplement derived from pomegranate seed oil has proven helpful in improving cognitive function in multiple sclerosis patients experiencing cognitive difficulties associated with the disease.

Prof. Dimitrios Karussis, the internationally renowned director of the Multiple Sclerosis Center at Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem, found significant improvement in learning ability and text comprehension, word recall and categorization in 30 patients involved in a groundbreaking study of the patented GranaGard supplement.