Project Spotlight: Trauma Kits to First Response Teams in Israel
The Fellowship | January 12, 2021
United Hatzalah is Israel’s largest all volunteer emergency medical service providing first-response services throughout the country. In 2020, The Fellowship partnered with United Hatzalah to provide 200 oxygen kits and 160 trauma kits to first-response volunteers. Just last month, Yael attended a ceremony where we distributed some of the trauma kits to new volunteers. And upon her arrival, Yael toured the United Hatzalah compound.
Eli Pollak, CEO of United Hatzalah was the first speaker at the ceremony: “This is one of the most moving events for us. First of all, there are more volunteers who are joining in saving lives. We received these trauma kits as a donation from The Fellowship and this is the second part … I remember Rabbi Eckstein, of blessed memory, who did everything out of love. This is another connection between The Fellowship and United Hatzalah.”
Eli Beer, Founder and President of United Hatzalah said: “I want to thank The Fellowship for their incredible support for Israel in general so many years. … Because we’re so busy helping each other in these times, you people who are here together with The Fellowship and their supporters from all around the world and all around the U.S. who care about Israel.”
Our President and CEO, Yael Eckstein, spoke as well. She said: “To have the honor of being here and doing the little that we can at The Fellowship to partner with Eli and United Hatzalah, to help you and give you the tools that you need in order to help save lives is an honor that there are no words for.”
And we thank our faithful supporters who continue to stand with Israel and the Jewish people.