Project Spotlight: Tech Career

The Fellowship  |  September 10, 2019

Eight men sitting together having a conversation.

The Fellowship’s Tech Career program opens doors for young Ethiopian Israelis, helping them chart a successful career path in the field of computers.

Participants take an eight month cyber-course with a challenging curriculum that takes dedication and hard work. After they successfully pass the class, Tech Career helps with job placement. With a 95 percent success rate, the majority of students go on to have rewarding careers and a stable income – which is a big deal for a young person in the Ethiopian-Israeli community.

Youth from this population are especially vulnerable. Their parents fulfilled lifelong dreams of making aliyah (immigrating to Israel) to better the lives of their children. Yet, even though the only place they want to live is in the Holy Land, many from the elder generation struggle to acclimate into Israeli life – and so do their children.

It’s easy for youth to feel discouraged, and many believe that a successful career isn’t possible for them. They see peers in their communities who have no education and not much of a future ahead of them. For many, the idea of breaking the cycle of poverty seems out of reach.

So programs like The Fellowship’s Tech Career provide so much more than computer training. They give at-risk immigrant students hope, optimism, and belief in themselves.

Thanks to our wonderful supporters, The Fellowship reaches out to the Ethiopian-Israeli community, whose young people continue to make inspiring leaps out of poverty into promising career paths. All they need is a little guidance and to know someone cares.