Project Spotlight: Olim From the Lost Tribe of Dan Visit Western Wall

The Fellowship  |  April 20, 2021

Western Wall, Lost Tribe of Dan

Do you remember in December when Yael Eckstein welcomed home Jewish olim from the lost tribe of Dan from Ethiopia?

Recently, these Ethiopian Jews visited and prayed at the Western Wall for the very first time with Yael!

Waiting to Come Home

The Jews of Ethiopia have been waiting for years to realize their dream of a brighter future by coming to the Holy Land. Last year, their aliyah took on greater urgency with the escalating political unrest and armed conflict in Ethiopia.

Thanks to our supporters, more than 500 Ethiopian Jews from the lost tribe of Dan came home to Israel in 2020 as part of a historic mission in partnership with the Israeli government. They reunited with loved ones who already made aliyah years ago. Whole families were together again in their Jewish homeland.

Today, they get to celebrate and visit the Western Wall, the holiest site in His Holy City, Jerusalem.

Help a Jewish family start a new life in the Holy Land.