Project Spotlight: Making Easter Cookies for Elderly Christians
The Fellowship | April 23, 2019
In honor of Easter, Yassar Alsaad, The Fellowship’s field coordinator in Jerusalem, decided to organize a special activity in cooperation with Fellowship volunteers, bringing together Israelis of various ages and faiths to bring joy to some elderly Christians in the Holy City.
Yassar organized Fellowship volunteers to bake cookies for Easter and deliver them to elderly Christians in Jerusalem.
It was exciting to see volunteers from all denominations preparing dough for the cookies together. When the preparations were completed, they brought the dough to a nearby bakery where the owners agreed to bake the cookies. Then, about 100 Fellowship volunteers decorated and packaged the cookies.
Postcards wishing recipients a happy Easter were attached to each package. Fellowship volunteers then delivered the cookies to nearly 250 Christian elderly, wishing them a happy holiday and giving them the Fellowship’s holiday treat.
One of the elderly recipients said, “Thank you! Thanks to you, I’m eating cookies that I haven’t eaten for years. This is the first time that my tears are from joy and excitement. I’m thankful that there’s someone who thinks about us. I love you and appreciate what you’re doing. A huge thank you to The Fellowship.”