Project Spotlight: Helping World ORT Students in the FSU

The Fellowship  |  February 2, 2021

World ORT Students Remote Learning

At World ORT schools — a group of Fellowship-funded Jewish schools throughout the former Soviet Union — students receive a rich Jewish education where teachers instill a deeper knowledge of their Jewish heritage. But many of the students come from struggling families, and wouldn’t be able to attend the school without our help. And now because of the pandemic, the schools switched to remote learning, so it’s been even more difficult for impoverished parents to meet their children’s needs. They were used to sending their children to school where The Fellowship provided hot meals, bus rides, and a school security system, ensuring the students were safe, happy, and fed.

Thankfully, The Fellowship continues to provide for the needs of these precious children, offering financial support to Jewish families, so remote learning is possible.

Your support helps students and siblings like Igor, Viktor, and Alisa succeed! Recently, we received this heart-felt letter from their mother:

I was forced not to work since March, the beginning of pandemic and quarantine. All my children were switched to distance learning, and it took much effort and time to learn with three children remotely. The situation didn’t change in September 2020, as our region was included into “red zone” and all schools were closed.

We try to make our children comfortable. But we have to save on everything and we constantly lack money.

My husband and I say a huge thank to The Fellowship for the financial support. This is really helpful for our family as we can buy some equipment for distance learning for our children now. Thank you!

With The Fellowship, you can make sure that needy Jewish children and families will have food, clothing, and support this year.